Frequent Questions
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+ What is HPASS?
HPASS is a preloaded multi-day card for 5, 10 or 30 days that gives patients and frequent visitors a discounted parking rate. The HPASS™ card allows for “in-and-out” privileges within a 24-hour time period.
+ Are HPASS cards transferrable?
Yes. HPASS cards are transferable between patients, family members, caregivers and visitors.
+ Where can I purchase an HPASS card?
You can purchase and activate an HPASS card in your hospitals’s Parking Office (if applicable to the location). If the hospital does not have a Parking Office, please refer to the signage in the parking lot or visit the hospital’s information desk to find out where you can purchase an HPASS card at your particular location.
Please note that some hospital locations allow for HPASS card purchase and activation on Parkedin™.
+ Can I enter and exit the parking lot using two different HPASS cards?
No. You must enter and exit the parking lot using the same HPASS card.
+ How do I enter a parking lot using an HPASS card?
To enter a parking lot using your HPASS card, insert your HPASS card into the credit card slot that is located at the parking lot’s gate entrance, just like you would with a credit card.
+ Can I use my HPASS with multiple vehicles?
Yes, multiple vehicles can use the same HPASS as long as both vehicles are not in the parking facility at the same time.
+ I no longer need my HPASS card.
Preloaded HPASS™ cards are valid for one year from the date you activate the account and are non-refundable.
+ Can I get a refund if I no longer need my HPASS?
HPASS permits are non-refundable, however, they can be transferred to a family or friend. Please note that expiry dates are determined on a site by site basis.
+ What do I do if I misplace my HPASS permit?
HPASS permits cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. If your HPASS card is lost or stolen, please call 416-243-6990 to disable the card. To disable the card you must provide the number that was on the back of the card.
+ What do I do when my HPASS card can not be read?
If your HPASS cannot be read, please call 416-243-6990 for assistance or visit https://www.parkingsupport.ca/contact-monthly-parking to submit a contact form..
+ How many times can I enter and exit the facility in one day?
There is no limit as to how many times the you may enter or exit a facility.
+ How long is my HPASS valid for?
The expiry dates are determined on a site by site basis.
+ How many days can I purchase an HPASS card for?
You can purchase an HPASS card for 5, 10, or 30 days. Some hospital locations offer 100 days HPASS cards.
+ What is the least amount of days that an HPASS card can be purchased for?
The minimum amount of days an HPASS card can be purchased for is 5 days. All HPASS™ cards are preloaded.
+ What is the maximum amount of days that an HPASS card can be purchased for?
The maximum amount of days an HPASS card can be purchased for at most hospital locations is 30 days. Some hospital locations offer a maximum amount of 100 days.
+ I purchased an HPASS for 30 days. Is there a limit on the number of minutes I am permitted to stay parked in the lot?
HPASS is sold by days only, not minutes, so there is no limit on the length of your stay per day. For every day that goes by where there is activity, one day is deducted.
+ Can my HPASS be reloaded with a new set of days?
This varies per location. Please contact 416-243-6990 to find out if you can add more parking sessions to your existing HPASS.
+ How do I track my HPASS usage?
Visit the link below for instructions on how you can track your HPASS usage: https://www.parkingsupport.ca/how-to-track-hpass-parking-permit-usage
+ Does the 24-hour period have to be during the same day?
The 24 hour period is from the time of entry.
+ For 5 day, 10 day, and 30 day passes, do I need to use the passes within consecutive days?
No. Passes do not need to be used consecutively.
+ How do I activate an HPASS card?
If you purchase an HPASS card at a Parking Office the Customer Service Representative will immediately activate your card. If you purchase you HPASS card at another location (i.e. at a hospital gift shop) and the representative there does not have the means to activate your HPASS card, please contact Precise ParkLink’s HPASS Customer Care Team to activate your card. Additionally, you can purchase and activate an HPASS card through Parkedin™.
Precise ParkLink’s Customer Care Team is available:
Monday to Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET
(416) 398-4052 ext: 585
Your HPASS™ Card can be used immediately once activated.
+ Will my HPASS card work on the same day that it is activated?
Yes. Your HPASS™ card can be used immediately once it is activated.
If your vehicle is parked at the hospital prior to when the HPASS card is activated you must pay for parking as you normally would for the visit. Your H PASS card will be ready to use at your next hospital visit.
+ Can I use my HPASS card to exit the parking lot if I did not use it to enter the parking lot?
No. If you did not enter the parking lot with your HPASS card you will not be able to exit the parking lot using an HPASS card.
+ Which parking lot is my HPASS card valid in?
To find out what parking lots your HPASS card is valid in, please contact the location's parking office or CLICK HERE to contact Precise ParkLink's HPASS team.
+ If I purchased an HPASS card at a hospital, can I use the same HPASS at a different hospital? If they are both managed by Precise ParkLink?
This depends on the location of the hospital. Affiliated hospital may configure their parking systems to accept permits at all of their locations. However we recommend confirming this by calling 416-243-6990
You may purchase an HPASS from any of the Trillium Health Partner locations (Credit Valley Hospital, Trillium Mississauga, or Trillium Queensway (Sherway)) and that HPASS will be valid at all 3 of the Trillium locations.
You may purchase an HPASS from any of the Niagara Health System locations (Greater Niagara General Hospital, Welland General Hospital, St. Catharines General Hospital, Port Colborne General Hospital or Douglas Memorial Hospital) and that HPASS will be valid at all 5 of the NHS locations.
+ I forgot my HPASS permit. Can the parking office offer me a courtesy exit?
If you have forgotten your HPASS permit, you are required to pay for parking.
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